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If you love to read and discuss books, then why not join the Book Group, meeting on first Friday of the month.  Great selection of books chosen by the members.  Sure to produce an interesting and lively discussion.

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The emergence of the Beatles and the so-called British music invasion stimulated the UK musicians to get together and push the boundaries of rock music to increasing complexity.  Come listen, enjoy and discuss this new genera of rock music, combining elements of classical, jazz, folk and psychedelia at our monthly session of SOUNDS, Like The Seventies

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Line Dancing is the latest craze that has been taken up by a large section of our members. Under the auspices of a professional 'Line Dance Tutor', the opportunity for us to learn a whole range of fancy coordinated steps. All set to the stirring vibes of pure Country and Western Music is now our oyster. Check out the Dec/Jan Newsletter for more details

West End & Broadway presentations are an entertaining way to spend an evening once a month.  So if you are a fan of Musical Theatre, you are sure to be entertained by these classic shows.

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What can be more enjoyable than to sit in the comfort of a U3A member's living room, munch cookies and drink coffee and watch the newest edition of a film - or the oldest edition of another one?  Pure relaxation and pleasure!

A monthly viewing of Great Movies that have been made based on great books has proved to be a popular event.  Group members select the movie to be shown and introduce their choice.  So if you enjoy watching good films, this might be something that fits your fancy.

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